Saturday, June 27, 2009
Uneori exista urgente.
Iar ele salveaza uneori situatia de ansamblu. Urgentele sunt uneori bine venite.
Urgentele sunt instantanee si tonifica spiritul adormit.
Cand ceva devine urgent, are efectul de a disloca deindata prioritatile de rutina. Urgentele sunt precum pastilele de MagneB6,iau forma unui impuls ce destabilizeaza ordinea momentana pentru a instaura ulterior o alta liniste cu mult mai apreciata decat cea de dinaintea urgentei.
Urgentele nu lasa timp de vaicareala, ci ne transforma in indivizi cu eficacitate sporita pentru momentul respectiv.
Urgentele cresc pulsul si ne fac sa traim mai repede.
Judecate intrinsec,urgentele mi se infatiseaza drept momente perfecte.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Photo by Irakly Shanidze
I'm chanting about leisure and about your peachy skin on the back of your neck.
I'm chanting about my midsummer flawless moments when you break into my leisure and i feel too lazy to get mad at you.
I'm chanting about you and your ways. About some turned up nose and hot knees.
I'm standing on a skyscraper,eating chocolate. I'm looking down and dangling my feet.
I'm a mountebank.
I brace myself when i can't camper.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Imi plac oamenii
Nu am putut niciodata sa vibrez de dragul animalelor in mod izolat. Animalele imi plac si ele,dar oamenii si mai mult.
Imi plac oamenii pentru ca imi place inteligenta si pentru ca in urma contactului cu ei poti ramane imbogatit spiritual si intelectual. Nu ma refer,desigur, la oamenii urati interior.
Imi place cum oamenii isi misca muschii fetei,cum rad,cum le sclipesc ochii la constientizarea esentei dintr'o anumita informatie.
Imi place si cum se ascund in spatele unor ochelari de soare faini.
Ce'mi place cel mai tare la oameni este notiunea de atitudine in diversitatea ei. Imi place ca nu poti gasi oameni identici, imi place ca oamenii sunt individuali.
Imi plac oamenii fiindca danseaza dracos.
Si fiindca sunt capabili sa se igienizeze si sa miroasa frumos.
Imi plac oamenii fiindca isi sufla nasul si fiindca scriu carti.
Si pentru ca fac filme si muzica,deseneaza si picteaza.
Imi place cum muntii orasului sunt cladirile.
Dantelate sau rectangulare,mi se par zilnic incredibile. Sunt mai mari decat omul. Imi plac fiindca omul e mai mic decat ele,dar le'a construit mai mari decat el.
Imi plac oamenii fiindca sunt atatea povesti de spus si de auzit.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Bake a cherry pie,marvel yourself. Bake two cherry pies,marvel the others,too.
Wash the dishes.
It's raining in your sink,make your knives and forks dance like couples in the rain.
Make some tea.
Keep your nose above it until your tea goes cold and your nose sweats. Smile while drinking it as it comes.
Let your scarlet,silk curtains embrace you and then do the tango by yourself.
Lay down on your bed and carry a cherry upon your nose. One from those left over after baking the pie.
Paint your nails scarlet and put on your favourite ring.
Paint your lips scarlet,too.
Get your bike,go see the city by night.
Hold on tight,keep your tidy hands onto the handlebars
Let your ruby-stone ring marvel you,but watch the road
Shards are sparkling,but shards are everywhere.
Wash the dishes.
It's raining in your sink,make your knives and forks dance like couples in the rain.
Make some tea.
Keep your nose above it until your tea goes cold and your nose sweats. Smile while drinking it as it comes.
Let your scarlet,silk curtains embrace you and then do the tango by yourself.
Lay down on your bed and carry a cherry upon your nose. One from those left over after baking the pie.
Paint your nails scarlet and put on your favourite ring.
Paint your lips scarlet,too.
Get your bike,go see the city by night.
Hold on tight,keep your tidy hands onto the handlebars
Let your ruby-stone ring marvel you,but watch the road
Shards are sparkling,but shards are everywhere.
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