it is excess the feature that defines me better than anything else.
i listen to too much music.i also shake my shoulders too strong when the very loud music caresses my ears. most of the times i let out reality and dig into sounds.i often get lost in frequency. i stay awake too much.i forget to sleep.i drink too much English tea. i escape the urban landscape and drown into displays of my subsequent actions. i work too much on the stream i use to build of futile thoughts. i feel too much pity for obsolete objects. i am too savvy about my ego. i love too much.i put too much blush on my cheeks. i ask too much from myself.i worry too much. i was said i am too grateful.i'm a neat freak.i find myself brimmed with too much confidence.i talk faaaar too much.
ca stau bine sa ma gandesc, cred ca asta este trasatura comuna grupului nostru, cea care ne-a unit cel mai tare. nous sommes tous des assassins *cough* nous sommes tous excessives.
monsieur riot,imi place sa cred ca ar trebui sa percep reactia exclamativa de la subsolul post-ului meu drept un strigat infundat si cel putin orgasmic survenit in urma citirii paragrafului cu pricina. prin urmare,in aceasta maniera tin sa anunt ca am luat la cunostinta activitatea de lecturare ale slovelor mele de catre dumneavoastra.
cu stima si respect va sincer urez si reactii viitoare mai de substanta si mai putin onomatopeice. va multumesc anticipat:)
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