There's too much light for my owl eyes out there; sunlight tastes tart,sunlight is a squatter,sunlight neuters my brain.
Daytime minutes hype and they pilfer from my nightime. Daytime tastes like lime.
I sit and watch the unread books in my library turning into giants; then i run to the miror and i can see myself shrinking and gradually turning into a tiny-little bug,devoid of any physical power in order to open the giant books and read them.
I may soon be some taxidermy raw material and agromania is knocking on my ajar door.
Don't worry, it will probably pass. We all have our bad moment, if I can call them thus. :)
But, still, little by little, day by day, if you really want to, take the book apart, page by page. :)
:)..deci cunosti,asadar,"The book of tea"?
maybe you shouldn't read so much; no good can come of it.
:))...wellll,don't say that again,as i might just start believing you,musiu ou madam..umm..k(?!)..
mademoiselle actually, no guy would be up so... early reading blogs...my advice more sex, more drugs, more rock!!!, just give in to the simple pleasures of life.
intre 16 si 20,toti copii trebuie sa bifeze sex,drugs,rock&roll,pt dumnezeu!:))
mademoiselle k,revenind la exprimarea prin intermediul limbii materne,...da'mi te rog voie sa te linistesc intrucat,in deplina sinceritate,sunt printre ultimele persoane pt care ti'ai putea face griji ca ar fi fost private de deliciile adolescentei.
insa,pe cuvant ca se poate trai in regim de degringolada,alcatuita din cele trei elemente mentionate de dumneata, fara a exclude placerea lecturii. i'm the living proof!
era o gluma..de asta le-am si denumit "simple pleasures"...but..nevermind...nici nu mi s-a parut ca esti o persoana care s-ar multumi cu lucruri simple...
;)) i see now. iti multumesc pt aprecieri:)
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