ilustration: "Equilibrum at the absolut distinction" by Michael Chevalier
i'm lapped by dainties and untramelled fragrances.
i've met willingness itself.
it lives within a human body.
i've met civility and wisdom and idiosyncrasy as well,afterwards ,and they've all decided to shack up with willingness. they now live altogether in this human body i've met.
they carry a name and they run undercover within a lavender perfumed body,which is forever there to bask mine.
i turn so warm,that i go liquid and i trickle into my own nose. and then i go up to my own brain.
one needs to change his thoughts system in order to properly grasp flawless ethics. one needs to get the primeval outlook back on his rack.
i used to think that aristotelian ways were out of date. but they're not. therefore,i savagely pour love upon all artefacts of morality. i pour love upon that human body,host of all good feelings.
and then the ribald becomes the desperate attempt to enjoy that body.
and then i tread into the impending vortex of all joys.
My darling esoterically intellectual creature that belongs but does not identify with the human race except on Tuesdays when it's sunny, you sound like you're in love with your dictionary, and with so many words that shouldn't be there, no one actually follows your descriptions. Less is more.
hello there tina!
am primit un sms de la v. despre commentul asta. ana draga, chiar crezi ca atunci cand n-am timp nici de cele 3 bloguri pe care le am, as avea timp sa fac un profil doar ca sa rad de tine? ma flatezi, n-am atata energie. si sincer, nu-ti citesc blogul. nu sunt singura persoana care stie engleza. de ce sari sa tragi concluzii?...
din nou domnisoara Tina..
am rugamintea sa nu transformati blogul acesta intr'un chat room de dezbatere.
cat despre faptul ca nu cititi acest blog,dati'mi voie sa pun asta la indoiala,intrucat am post-uri anterioare,la subsolul carora v'ati manifestat in comment-uri pline de efuziune.
in cazul in care considerati ca mai este ceva de spus, va rog de aceasta data sa dati dovada de bun simt si sa imi scrieti un mail.
poftiti,pt reimprospatarea memoriei:)))
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