Sunday, October 21, 2007

so what?

we’re here on earth to run around,stealing various smells of skins that do not belong to us. we’re being false contenders,travelling,spinning clockwise,bathing in some others’ stream of thoughts. that is why one should never trick oneself with moral values such as honor or truth , for these are inappropriate to the natural way.
twinkling lights that we see beyond our faces get us together.
when touching one another,hands are typing unspoken words. fingertip leftovers.
aiming to the fairytale-like kind of happenings,so what?
we should never stop listening to bed-time stories or lullabies, and don’t let anyone tell you different.

trapped in our own bodies. the speed one can reach when running depends on physical abbilities. therefore,it is limited. the kind of speed which isn’t related to any biological restriction lives spread out within us.
some hurry,some do not. it is neither wrong, nor right.
pondering on the next to come,almost leaving out the present in oblivion. that is,indeed,wrong.
harsh times stop passing you by and forget to leave you.then,use your body in order to shut your eyes.get some sleep, and confort the recipient. you might find the content less tainted in the morning.
if thinking makes things seem pointless,do not about start feeling? although, feeling might make one stumble and fall. so what? after having fallen one can rest a bit down there,on the ground, and contemplate the surroundings from the height one used to have when a child.

1 comment:

SourCrout said...

Stii ce-mi place sa fac cel mai mult?! Sa citesc blog-uri etc. doar pana la jumatate dupa care sa scriun un comentariu witty pentru ca defapt eu nu am citit jumatate din text ci doar prima propozitie, restul de timp m-am gandit la un comentariu care sa te dea pe spate, deci poftim.